Launched in October 2012, Go Get 'Em Crew Radio Group of America (GGEC Radio) is now on the air! GGEC Radio is dedicated to local listener ship. We are a listener-driven station Local Variety Music Rap Underground Video Radio Group located in nearby Chicago, Illinois that have shows that discuss current issues that impact our listeners. We are lining up new content all the time!
GGEC Radio is dedicated to local listenership. We are a listener-driven station Local Variety Music Rap Underground Video in nearby Chicago, Illinois.
All Shows are recorded live and are available OnDemeand. For the latest episode please check each website.
For more information on Shows and Topics click on their pictured above.
Here's our current show schedule:
Go Get 'Em Crew Radio's
Current Shows and Stations
GGEC Radio, GGEC Web Design & Go Get 'Em Media Productions & Films are sub entities of Go Get 'Em Media Productions All rights Reserved © 2018
Don’s Basement Tapes
GGEC Radio Group
Mayville, WI
Don's Basement Tapes is a weekly, one hour of Radio Anarchy, that takes you back to the Adult Oriented Rock music from the 70’s to early 80’s. Tthe songs that Don features, and you can bet on this, have not seen the light of day in a long, long time. Don also provides personal insight on the songs and artists, that are as relevant today, as they were back in the day. So, each week, spend a little time in The Basement.